
The picture book Spoon was written by Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Scott Magoon and is a picture book written for kids aged 4-7 and is a fiction book. Spoon is about a little spoon who is feeling sad that his friends knife, fork, and chopstick get to be used more than him but knife, fork, and chopstick are sad that spoon gets to do fun things and is so easy going. Spoons parents tell him how lucky he is to be a spoon and that he gets to do so many things as a spoon and then their family of three snuggle up in bed. I really liked the illustrations in this book because they are so cute and fit the characters very well. I also really liked how the author based the story on cutlery to show that humans often judge themselves to other people. Overall, I really enjoyed the picture book Spoon and I think that the author and illustrator did a great job on creating a fantastic picture book.

Alfred Nobel The Man Behind The Peace Prize

Alfred Nobel The Man Behind The Peace Prize is written by Kathy- Jo Wargin and is illustrated by Zachary Pullen and is a picture book meant for kids aged 5-8 years old. The book Alfred Nobel The Man Behind The Peace Prize is about a man named Alfred Nobel and how he wanted to make nitroglycerin safter but in the process his brother died from an explosion. Two years later, Alfred made nitroglycerin safe to use and then made it into dynamite sticks to sell to people. Everyone was using the dynamite to kill everybody and when Alfred died, people all over the world were blaming him for everyone’s deaths. At his funeral, Alfred’s will said that he wanted to use his money to give to people who show peace and make a difference in the world. I really liked this book because it explains the story of how this award was created but in a way that everyone will understand, I also like it because of the way the pictures are illustrated. Overall I really liked the book Alfred Nobel The Man Behind The Peace Prize and I think that the author and illustrator did a great job and created a great picture book.

I Used To Be A Fish

I Used To Be A Fish

Today we read a story called I Used To Be A Fish which is written and illustrated by Tom Sullivan and is a picture book meant for kids aged 4-6 because there is not many words on each page. This book is about a fish who kept evolving into new creatures until he was a human. Then he built a hut and then a house and then a apartment building and started jumping on his bed. I really liked this book because it shows evolution in a way kids will understand it, also I also like the simple but pretty illustrations because they went will the words on each page. Overall, I think that Tom Sullivan did a great job writing and illustrating the picture book I Used To Be A Fish and I think that every little kid should read this because it’s fun and educational.

Bat’s Big Game

Bats Big Game

The story Bat’s Big Game was illustrated by Eugenia Nobati and retold by Margaret Read MacDonald and is a action fiction book written for kids aged 5-7. This book is about a bat who wants to be on the winning team for the soccer match. His advantage is that he can be on both because he is a bird and a mammal. First he is on the animal team because the animals were winning. But then he changed to the birds team because the animals were losing. Finally Bat tries to switch back to the animals team because they were winning again but got stopped by everybody. They told Bat that even if your team is losing you should always stick with them and never give up. I really liked this book because the illustrations are good and moral of the story is good to teach kids about not giving up. Overall, I think that Bat’s Big Game is a great picture book and the creators of it worked really hard and it payed off.

Enemy Pie

Enemy Pie

The book Enemy Pie is written by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Calahan King and is a fiction picture book written for kids aged 6-9 years old. This book is about a boy who was having the perfect summer until Jeremy Ross moved into his neighbourhood and the boy did not like Jeremy Ross because he is his enemy. The boys dad had a solution that would get rid of the boys enemy and that is enemy pie. The dad made the pie but said that the boy had to spend one whole day with Jeremy for the pie to work, so the boy agreed. The boy spent an entire day with Jeremy and he had loads of fun with him and didn’t want him to eat the pie because he thought that it would actually get rid of him and make his hair fall out. Jeremy came over to the boys house for dinner and after they had dessert which was the enemy pie. As soon as Jeremy was about to take a bit of the pie, the boy said don’t eat it it’s poisonous! and Jeremy stopped. But then Jeremy said well if it’s so poisonous than why has your dad eaten half the pie. Then the boy realized that the pie didn’t make hair fall out or make people vanish, it makes new friends. I really loved this book Enemy Pie  and the illustrations were really original and neat to look at. I also liked the storyline because it was an interesting story and ending too. All in all, I really enjoyed Enemy Pie and I think it’s a great picture book and the author and illustrator did a great job.


The Sweetest Fig

The Sweetest Fig

The book The Sweetest Fig is a book written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg. It is for kids probably age 7-10 and is a fantasy/suspense book.

This book is about a man called M. Bibot who is a dentist and fixed a woman’s tooth but she paid him with figs that she said were magic so he shoved her out the door. That night M. Bibot had one of the figs and it was delicious, it was the best fig he had ever had but the next morning he went to take his dog Marcel for a morning walk but he went out in his underwear because of the dream he had and it came true because of the magic fig. The next morning, the dog ate the last fig that was magic and he got so mad at Marcel that he shouted at him so the dog ran and hid under his bed but the dog wished for something. The next day, M. Bibot woke up confused and under his bed but then all of a sudden a face appeared leaning down under the bed and it was his own face. The face said, “ Come to Marcel, It’s time for your morning walk!”

I really loved this because of the ending and how M. Bibot was turned into a dog and Marcel was his owner now. I thought it was really cool how the dog got his revenge from being shouted at by M. Bibot. The only thing I didn’t like, was how M. Bibot shouted at Marcel because I really like dogs and I felt sad for him. All in all, this book The Sweetest Fig was really good and I liked the illustrations too because they showed lots of details. I can’t wait to read more books by Chris Van Allsburg.


Stolen Words

Stolen Words

The book Stolen Words is written by Melanie Florence and is illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard. I think that the book is a  real life story and is meant for kids aged 5 – 8 because there are not many words on a page but there are good messages in the writing.  This book is about a first nations family and a little girl who wants to know how to speak Cree so she asked her grandpa but he said he forgot because when he was little, he was forced to go to residential school and the teachers wouldn’t let the first nation people speak their native language so they had to learn and speak english or else they would be punished. But one day, the little girl came home from school and spoke Cree to her grandpa and he was so happy. The little girl asked her grandpa if he can read the book to her so they walked home and read it. I think that this book was really good to read but the only thing I didn’t like was the ending because it just showed them walking home and  I also wish that we could have heard them talking more in Cree to see that the grandpa learned how to speak his native language again and was happy. All in all, I really loved this Stolen Words because it shows the story of how the first nations people were treated so poorly because they spoke and acted differently than other people and how the little girl and grandpa learned how to speak their language again.   

Hey, Little Ant

The book “Hey, Little Ant” by Phillip and Hannah Hoose and illustrated by Debbie Tilley, is a fiction adventure book and is meant for a younger age group probably around 5-7 years old. This book is about a boy who is about to step on an ant but the ant tells him he has a home and family and the boy sort of feels bad that he might squish the ant. I thought that this book was quite enjoyable because the illustrations were colourful, bright and fun to look at. I liked the contents of the book because it teaches kids that everybody should be treated the same because we all have jobs and homes to go home to. The only thing I didn’t like about the book is the ending because it doesn’t tell you if the boy squished the ant or not and I’m not the type of person who likes being left in suspense. All in all, I really liked the book “Hey, Little Ant” and would recommend it to other people looking for a great book that leaves you in suspense.