The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau

     The book The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau is written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarina. This book is about Jacques and when he was a young man he got badly injured. He swam everyday in the sea to heal. Jacques got some gear to breathe underwater and wanted to share the ocean with the world. He bought a boat and turned it into a film area, he traveled all over the world. Cousteau found lots of treasures and that is when he shared his first full colour film with the world and the people wanted to see more. Cousteau’s team kept creating vehicles to go underwater and wanted to see if people could live underwater but they couldn’t. Jacques created lots of books, films, and documentaries. While exploring in Australia he found coral reefs, when he was in France he found a sunken ship with wine in it. Fish in Africa did not swim away when Jacques was there. When they got back to the mediterranean sea it was polluted. The first connection I made was a text to media connection. I made this connection because I have seen lots of presentations about pollution online and when Jacques got back home, the ocean was very polluted. I also made a text to self connection because Jacques always went swimming and I love to swim in the ocean too, I like finding little animals to look at. Next, I made a text to text connection. This book takes place mostly underwater and I have read a book about mermaids and they are always underwater with fish and seaweed. Finally, I made a text to world connection. When Jacques found all the treasures on the sunken ship in France, this reminded me of the Titanic and how lots of people found plates, jewelry, and paintings. I really like how this book is based on real events because then kids will know that pollution is actually happening in the world, I also really liked the drawings because they were so colourful. Overall, I think that The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau is amazing because of how it tells a real story and is fun to look at.

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