
    The book Two was written and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi and is for kids aged 3-5. Two is best friends with one and would always play together. But then three came and three wanted to play with one, two felt left out. Zero came to comfort two but then she asked three if she could play too. Three said no because two had played a lot with one and three wanted a turn. This started a big fight between the even and odd numbers. The evens wanted to be even with the odds but the odds don’t see a problem not being even. Two had enough of the fighting and told everyone that they don’t have to fight and we can all play and sing together. After that, all the numbers danced and singed together and two went to go see one. They started to dance but then two got dizzy and knocked one but two caught him. One asked to if he can count on two and two said yes and that they would always be friends. One thing I like about the story is that she uses numbers instead of humans because if you want to say something about a number, they usually rhyme. I also like the illustrations because they are simple and colourful. Overall, I really like the book Two and author did a great job on creating a great picture book.  

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